Thursday, June 26, 2014

Carl Oehl

Amana Meat Shop "greeter" and "sampler", Carl Oehl, is sitting on his stool asking you to try smoked pork with horseradish sauce. He is a good friend, fine ambassador for the Amana Colonies, was Oktoberfest's Burgemeister tapping the first beer, and sharing his unending Gemutlichkeit with everyone he meets. He enjoys telling the Amana story, one which has long been an important part of his life. He and his late wife, Fern, had a restaurant in South Amana for many years so he is a natural at making new friends and always entertaining the old ones. You will always find him with a smile, a handshake, or a handbump. Upon the close of your visit, and a great one it will be, you will hear him say, "KEEP SMILING".
AMS photos

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