Sunday, February 22, 2015

Hand Painted Eggs...

"Art in the Round" ..or Oval in this case of the egg, was done by talented local artist, Ruth Schmieder. (1922-2011) Her eggs are collected by many egg and art lovers. These are miniature originals of local flower garden inspired paintings in oil or acrylic. They are painted on glass or wooden eggs and preserved to a fine art. Each one is done with fine detail and precision of brush strokes. These eggs help us celebrate the special Easter holiday and art in Amana , and elsewhere. It is a great way to embellish and highlight this symbol of renewal and rebirth.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Stifel Calico

In my collection of indigo CALICO prints, I have found several pieces with a boot stamped on the back of the fabric. These pieces are from the Stifel Calico Works of Wheeling, West Virginia. The mill operated from 1835-1957, producing classic calico fabrics including various weights of indigo dyed cotton and twill woven fabrics. The plant shifted to war production during both WW1 and WW 2 while the Amana Printworks was shutting down in 1917. After WW 1 the Amana Colonies purchased fabrics from the Stifel Calicoworks in Wheeling. By  the late 1940's the dyeing and printing of indigo was discontinued in Wheeling where newer sportswear fabric was emphasized. In 1897 synthetic indigo was discovered and used in dyeing jeans all over the world. It made printing and dyeing of fabrics easier. The Amana calicos are now rare and collectible.